Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Looking But Not Seeing

How many times have you said or heard someone say "I could see exactly what they were trying to do before they did it". Statements like this are made so that we do not look foolish when certain things are done to us by others. Certain things that are done without regards to how it will make you feel so we save face by making statements as such. This statement in particular is spoken to mask the hurt that has been imposed on us at the time. We see it but we are powerless to stop it. Each time this happens, we have settled for actions from others that we do not want to accept but we do it anyway. We give people too much value that don't value us. If you see a ball of mess coming, move so that it passes you by. If you stand still, it will hit you and the person that sent it really feels superior and bask in the reality that you are beneath them. Why do we look for escape routes in life if we are not going to see them? Author: Loyce Bullock

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Though Your Heart Is Breaking

There is some truth to the saying "Smile though your heart is breaking". Each time your heart is broken, there is a lesson to be learned. A heart that is broken is most assuredly a heart that is tender with the ability to love someone other than your self. Therefore, the first lesson is that you can and do love. The other lessons are all encompassing and it brings us to the understanding that we must smile while we are hurting so that forgiveness of the one that hurt us becomes an easy task. A broken heart must be allowed to heal naturally so that we do not live with a heart full of scars. If hate and bitterness sets in during the hearts healing process, you will have permanent scars and you will spend a lifetime with the rhythm of your heartbeat totally out of sync. Author: Loyce Bullock

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Truth About Love

I found the truth about love and it floored me to think of the many years I have lived and did not know the real truth about love. It means that I have never loved and that no one has ever loved me. It is our fault that we have never been loved and it is our fault that we have never loved. I hear your
heart and it proclaims that I am wrong but let's weigh it out with a truth that can not be denied. If you truly love someone, you do not think of yourself ever. When you look at that person, you want to make them happy, you want to always see them smile, you always want to take away anything that will hurt them, you always see the beauty in them. Bottom line it is never about you. I know that I want to be loved that way so I choose to love that way. After all, Christ did not think of Himself when He went to the cross, He thought only of us.  Author Loyce Bullock

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's In A Name

The name that you were given at birth, does it really define who you are? We don't seem to focus on what our name is until someone brings it to our attention and mostly in a negative way. As long as someone says "that's a pretty name", we are all smiles and joyful inside. However, when our name is associated with something negative, we become a little irritated and wonder why our parents gave us that name. If we have been surrounded by negative situations throughout our life, we seem to feel that our name is cursed and wish a thousand times that we had a different name. Put yourself in the shoes of the # sign which goes by the name of the number sign, the hash tag, and the pound sign. Hopefully, the sign doesn't get confused and let's hope that it will still perform in whatever capacity it is called. After all, what's in a name. Author Loyce Bullock

Monday, August 19, 2013

Don't Be Deceived By The Eye Of The Hurricane

We are attacked daily by the severe problems of life which causes turmoil and causes us to lose focus on what is really meaningful to us. Our survival depends on our ability to recognize the tools needed to access our effective weapons of war.  We allow our hearts to be hurt over and over because during certain times of the day, the war we are in becomes calm and we are lulled into a false sense of safety. Don't be deceived, because when a calm exists, you are in the eye of the hurricane and the turmoil and fierceness of those life's problems are still there. We must stay focused, stay alert, and above all stay prayerful. One of your effective weapons of war is prayer.  Author - Loyce Bullock

Friday, June 28, 2013

It's Up To You To Build Your Future

I was in a storm at one point in my life. The fierce winds and rain knocked me down, tossed me to and fro. Each day, I would drag myself up, stand and before I knew what was happening, the fierce wind and rain would blow so hard, that it would knock me down again and again.  Each time I fell down, I lost something of myself that meant an awful lot to me and to my prosperous state of being.  Taking a deep breath, I decided that if I would just stay down, I would never again feel the pain of falling. Taking another deep breath with a sigh, man it felt good not to be hit by life again. As I lay there, realization began to set in, I have not experienced a positive change in a few days. It soon became clear that there was no change because I was still in the same place that I had fallen days ago.  My mind began to flood with knowledge encompassed with wisdom and I could hear this voice as if speaking from another place saying, "stop being afraid, get up, push yourself up and stand to your feet. Take charge of your life. After all, it is YOU that is responsible for Building Your Future.  Author Loyce Bullock 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Adult Choices

Most of us want to believe that we have the exact recipe for making grown-up decisions. The reality of it all is that some of us have no clue what the proper ingredients are for making such grown-up decisions. These type of decisions should have the eye sight that look forward, eyes in the back of your head, and peripheral vision as well. In other words, grown-up decisions will have "Wisdom" mixed in, and covering everything that you have selected to do. Grown-up decisions are positively made and they will not negatively affect anyone involved. Grown-up Decisions will build a person or relationships and will never tear it down.
Author Loyce Bullock
